Thursday, June 24, 2010

Voters Clueless About Real Republican Views

The latest polls taken by NBC show that voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction by a margin of 62 percent. A majority of voters 48 to 45 percent disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job. These same voters prefer that Republicans run Congress by a 45 to 43 percent margin. Yet the very same votes have no idea what Republican law makers and candidates are saying about their fellow Americans who are unemployed. In one instance unemployed workers were compared to Hobos or bums from the great depression era. Another Republican says that voters who receive these benefits are lying in hammocks relaxing, while another Sen. Orrin Hatch suggested that they all be drug tested because they are spending the money to buy drugs.

In another show of distain for voters, Republicans say that unemployed workers are getting welfare rather than a benefit they are guaranteed by law. They claim to be with the effected workers in the Gulf oil spill who have lost everything, but are calling them free loaders on the other hand. These same people are flocking to vote for the very same Republicans who voted against extending unemployment benefits. The voters in this country have no idea who is acting in their best interest. They hear short sound bites on news and vote in a knee jerk fashion, and often for Republicans, which is against the own best interest. If voters don't start becoming more informed they are going to destroy this country. If the average voter were to actually watch or listen to what Republicans really stand for, the Republican Party would by a permanent minority party.

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