Thursday, March 01, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Is A Despicable Pig

The comments made by Rush Limbaugh yesterday about Ms. Fluke are despicable and he's a pig for saying what he did.  He had every right to disagree with her on birth control, but that doesn't give him the right to insult her.  He made his sexually charged remarks without knowing anything about this young lady and he distorted the facts in the process.  He needs to apologize immediately, but he won't and that's why I called him a pig.  I know that his followers will disagree with me that Rush is a pig, but I'm sorry any man who refers to a women as a "slut" is a pig.

Secondly, he completely missed her testimony before a Congressional committee and chose to attack her personally.  I'm attacking him because he deserves to be called out on his despicable behavior in terms he can understand.  I'm sure he wouldn't like it if I called his girlfriend a "slut", he probably calls her that so I guess it would be OK.  But I have better manners that this overpaid, rich, moronic pinhead.  The so called evangelicals out there who listen to this man should prey, because listening to him will get them a one way trip to hell.  There may not be enough room in hell for sinners because it will be too full of so called Christians.