Thursday, March 01, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Is A Despicable Pig

The comments made by Rush Limbaugh yesterday about Ms. Fluke are despicable and he's a pig for saying what he did.  He had every right to disagree with her on birth control, but that doesn't give him the right to insult her.  He made his sexually charged remarks without knowing anything about this young lady and he distorted the facts in the process.  He needs to apologize immediately, but he won't and that's why I called him a pig.  I know that his followers will disagree with me that Rush is a pig, but I'm sorry any man who refers to a women as a "slut" is a pig.

Secondly, he completely missed her testimony before a Congressional committee and chose to attack her personally.  I'm attacking him because he deserves to be called out on his despicable behavior in terms he can understand.  I'm sure he wouldn't like it if I called his girlfriend a "slut", he probably calls her that so I guess it would be OK.  But I have better manners that this overpaid, rich, moronic pinhead.  The so called evangelicals out there who listen to this man should prey, because listening to him will get them a one way trip to hell.  There may not be enough room in hell for sinners because it will be too full of so called Christians. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Republican/Tea Party House Members Act More Like Dictators Than Legislators

The current Republican members of Congress act more like tin horn dictators than legislators.  The members of the so called Tea Party are among the worst when it comes to dictating to the country.  They have a "my way" or no way attitude that sickens intelligent people.  The media has fallen in love with the Tea Party and it's caused them to have more power than their actually voting power suggests. If they were as powerful as the media claims then Christian O'Donnell would have won.  The main stream media had all be written Sen. Harry Reid's epitaph before he came back and pretty much wiped Sharon Angle out.

That same media driven narrative is what got George W. Bush elected in the first place.  If it hadn't been for their love affair and favorable reporting at the time, Mr. Bush's drug and alcohol, and draft dodging problems would have been properly reported on.  For most intelligent voters the Tea Party is a small narrow minded group of extremist who have a mixed message at best.  On one hand they claim to be against big government, but yet they want to be in our bedrooms and personal lives by cutting social programs and saying what women can and can't do.  You can't be against big government, but be for big brother government at the same time.  They claim to be against government spending, while saying they don't want the government to touch the benefits like social security or Medicare.

The Republican party's agenda has become so extreme under the Tea Party's leadership that their hero Ronald Reagan policies would be acceptable to them.  If the Democrats had any guts at all, they'd stand up and say not only no, but hell no to the extreme ideas of the Republicans.  The country is in serious danger of becoming a one party dictatorship under Republican/Tea Party rule because the majority of elected Democrats are cowards.  It sickens me to watch my once proud party elected leaders buckle under to a few loud extremist group whose members carry racist signs, yell at and spit on black Congressmen.  If we don't stand up for what we believe in, then we don't believe and anything.          

The President Shouldn't Have Caved To Republican Demands

The President made a huge mistake when he caved in to right wing Republican demands, which he's done a lot of lately.  This has become a disturbing pattern in which he caves without standing up for what he claims to believe in.  Either the President doesn't care about anything or is afraid to stand up for what he believes in.   .  I'm sure his advisers told him that doing a complete reversal of his own policies was the right thing to do politically, but I disagree.  Any one with half a brain knows that cutting spending with a weak economy doesn't work or create any jobs.  If it did, then former President Bush's policies and tax cuts would have created jobs.  What the President did was let the narrative in the media drive his decision making.

The sad part about the whole cave in is it's going to hurt the very people who voted to elect Mr. Obama.  He sided with the Tea Party and Republicans who have sworn to make him a one term President.  He's doing everything he can to help them make their wishes come true.  I can't imagine President Ronald Reagan caving in because the Democrat controlled the majority in the House of Representatives.  Why didn't the President simply stick up for what he claims to believe in and not give in to the demands of a few extremists?  The President caved in just days after announcing he'd run for reelection.  You can't win an election, if your campaign theme is "me too" or "I caved in and I agree with the Republicans".

The President can't stand up to the Republicans now, when will he be able to?  What he's doesn't get is they hate him and no amount of butt kissing or caving will change that.  The bottom line is, the Republican party has two things against him, he's black and he's black.  His being a Democrat comes in a distant third when they oppose him.  There has never been any Party in history that opposed every single thing a President from the other party did.  We see the Republicans even oppose things they once supported or suggested until he  he changes and agrees with them.  If that's not overt racism, I don't know what is.  He should stop worrying about them liking him and start standing up for something.  

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Voters Clueless About Real Republican Views

The latest polls taken by NBC show that voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction by a margin of 62 percent. A majority of voters 48 to 45 percent disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job. These same voters prefer that Republicans run Congress by a 45 to 43 percent margin. Yet the very same votes have no idea what Republican law makers and candidates are saying about their fellow Americans who are unemployed. In one instance unemployed workers were compared to Hobos or bums from the great depression era. Another Republican says that voters who receive these benefits are lying in hammocks relaxing, while another Sen. Orrin Hatch suggested that they all be drug tested because they are spending the money to buy drugs.

In another show of distain for voters, Republicans say that unemployed workers are getting welfare rather than a benefit they are guaranteed by law. They claim to be with the effected workers in the Gulf oil spill who have lost everything, but are calling them free loaders on the other hand. These same people are flocking to vote for the very same Republicans who voted against extending unemployment benefits. The voters in this country have no idea who is acting in their best interest. They hear short sound bites on news and vote in a knee jerk fashion, and often for Republicans, which is against the own best interest. If voters don't start becoming more informed they are going to destroy this country. If the average voter were to actually watch or listen to what Republicans really stand for, the Republican Party would by a permanent minority party.